Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Essay --

The formula for baking soda is NaHCO3 ( chemical formula for vinegar is CH3COOH ( The chemical formula for the reaction is NaHCO3 + CH3COOH => CaCO3 + 2NaCl + H2O + CO2. The calcium atom from the calcium chloride molecule forms a new bond with the carbon trioxide form the sodium bicarbonate. This creates one of the product calcium carbonate, which is a covalent bond ( The two chlorine atoms left from the calcium chloride molecule is bonded with the sodium atom in the sodium bicarbonate to create sodium chloride, an ionic bond ( The left over atoms are two hydrogen atoms, three oxygen atoms, and one carbon atom. The two hydrogens form the water molecule with an oxygen atom, and ionic bond (comp book). Then all that is left is the carbon and the other two oxygen atoms. These three form the CO2 that is released. Below is a picture summarizing most of this paragraph. How would you give models or examples of any reaction? Well, in terms of 3D models, you should make sure that all the atoms in the product are equal to the number atoms in the reactants when they are combined. No atom is lost or created during the reaction. The same requirements go for writing an equation, as shown in the photo above. you can also write a formula for the product. Something that you must remember is that the metal reactant always comes first. The non metal reactant comes in second, and it usually end in -ide. ( Last, but not least, the easiest way to show a r... ... when a reaction happened and how to make it happen faster, but do you know to identify the reactants and the products, and how did it bonded? in terms of acid or base, you can use a pH meter or even some pH paper. After you use them, compare the color you get to the scale that should be included. You can also look at the formula for the product to find the reactants, telling you what is in it. The elements on the periodic table are organized based on the number of electron rings and valence electrons, which determine if they will bond and with what. The element carbon has biggest number of bonds, which is four. Carbon can be covalently bonded, meaning sharing electrons with another element, like in the calcium carbonate. Carbon can also be an ionically bonded, meaning the opposite charges of non metal ions and metal ions attract, like in sodium chloride. (comp book)

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